Friday, April 5, 2013

Style Icons, Lou Lou, and Architectural Fate!

I have always had a fascination with women who have curated a life with such style that it seems every facet of their existence is museum worthy. Women like Diane Keaton, Iris Apfel, Audrey Hepburn, and the fashion goddess that I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with Sarah Jessica Parker.

You don't have to be famous to make your mark and be recognized for great style. I feel pretty certain every city no matter how big or small has those few women that in some way are someones "style icon". A woman of great style, stories, and impeccable taste walked into my life shortly after opening my shop and she has been a huge part of the success I have had here. I call her Lou Lou. 

Every time Lou Lou walks in the door I already know she will hone in on what I would consider the best piece in my shop. I always have things that are ratable and place able for everyone however I always have a few pieces that are what I call the Oh My God moments. Those are the moments in a house that are unexpected and leave any guest you have over searching for that same moment in their own home.

Fortunately Lou Lou has become a great friend to us here at Shaun Smith Home. She regularly has Betsey and I over to share with us the amazing stories of her fabulous life. This woman has lived! Her home is covered in art that would make any art collector/lovers jaws drop. Every fabric, sconce, fabric, finish it's all just perfect. When I am in her house I feel like I am transported to a flat in New York that was in Architectural Digest more than once as her style changed through the years. 

Chez Lou Lou

There is a house here on Audubon Blvd. that I run past every evening. This house is my favorite house in New Orleans. I talk about this house, reference this house, make people drive past this house. I dream of owning this house one day and unlike every other house I purchase I wouldn't change a thing. This has been going on now for years. Life is so crazy I made mention of this house to Lou Lou last week. She said "Shaun that was my house" I could not believe it. She lived in this house for 30+ years. She has made mention of this house to me many times over the past few years always saying how much I would love this house but the connection was never made. Now she is letting me play amongst the original blue prints, design boards, and all of her ideas she so perfectly put into the house.

The former Chateau Lou Lou

Life can be so funny yet so perfect! 
